Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Week 99

Nov 7, 2016

 We had a great week! Oliva got baptized and that was awesome. We had a lot of people there for her and she was really happy. Her oldest daughter decided to come and she brought her 2 sons, one of who got baptized in march in california (hes 12) so that was cool. It was a great day. The night before it too we went to someones house we just started teahcing and we invited them to the baptism and turns out she knew oliva and was good friends with her so that was cool. Small world. She came to the baptism also. 

I finally am for the most part feeling better. my voice came back like.. 2 days ago. towards the end of the night it sounds really "horse" or rough though. but for the most part its better. 

Rene, our convert of about 3 and a half months met with the branch president to recieve the melchizedek priesthood and should be meeting with the stake president this week! 

I was reading in the bible this past week and found a funny verse. I bet you didnt know there was a prophet from Elko. That is the town im serving in. Nahum 1:1 in the old testament. I accidentally came accross that verse when I was looking for something else and I laughed. "the Elkoshite" hahaha. Too funny. 

We had several good appointments with Melo this past week. He told us basically hwo impressed he is that 2 young guys would leave everything for two years to teach about god and how we worked before to save money to pay to be missionaries. He said we werent wasting our time with him and how special he felt that we would do that for the lord. He was supposed to have his interview for baptism yesterday. except it was weird because he didnt show up and then we were trying to call him and text him and finally like 2 hours later we got a reply and he said he found a new church the night before haha so that was kind of weird. Hes tested us several times during appointments though to see how we act and answer so I almost wonder if thats what hes doing now to see if we will still treat him nicely and whatnot. Who knows though. Im being optomistiic about it haha. 

We got a call from some sisters asking us to come give a blessing to someone they recently met. Turns out it was a lady I knew that had cussed me out several times for parking by her house hahaha. it was kind of funny. We walked up to the house and I was like hahaha I know this lady! She recognized me and apologized. We had a nice conversation with her and I guess she had been struggling a lot in her life. 

This one guy we teach, ramon, we went to his house to teach him and after he asked if people are normally nice to us or if lots are mean. we have normally about half and half but he laughed and said he was at his brothers house and we knocked on the door and his brother was like quick be quite, the mormons are here! hahahahaha. we laughed about that. Then ramon said its said that people do that because The people arent rejecting us, they are rejecting Christ. too true. If only people realized that though. 
great week though!

the pictures are of the baptism. and then also service that we do every other saturday. my comp and I, then the other 2 sets of missionaries that do service with us 

Elder Quinton

                                                                Olivia's baptism

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