Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 60


Hello all! New companion is Elder Teixeira, we've had a great week! He is also a very outgoing person so its nice. It' can be difficult to be with people that are more shy haha. I've been very impressed with him and his desire to help others and bring them to Christ.
We've had a ton of fun so far I'll send lots of pics Im sure. Ive been bad with sending pics home sorry! I have lots. 

I started a collection of books of mormon in different languages a couple weeks ago! I have like 7 or 8. Its been cool. I want to collect them all. I'll obviously have to send those home though before I get transfered, that will take up a lot of room. 

I received  random package this past week that the return address was "BeBeautiful" and inside was..... drum roll.... pre cut tin foil hahaha! no note or anything, so whoever sent that to me, nice one. Got a good laugh out of it. 

We started re-teaching someone yesterday that really wanted to get baptized, he set himself with a date to be baptized so that was awesome! :) 

Miracle from yesterday. Well it was fast sunday. and we had been fasting all day and had no dinner appointment and at like 6 we stopped by some members house to see if they were okay because they weren't at church and they asked if we had ate and made us chile reyanos. They were super good, great way to end a fast! :) 

Love you all!

pic descriptions: huge windstorm blew this trampoline somewhere not good. hahaha. 

got dairy queen for the first time since I left! 

anddddddddddddd... double rainbow haha


Elder Quinton

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week 59

Feb 2, 2016

Hi All,

Im staying in Carson for another transfer! :) 

Elder Bido, sadly is leaving me and going to my old area in Sun Valley, WITH ELDER LEON! one of my favorite missionaries so that will be super cool. My new companion is Elder Texiera. I served with him a little when I was in Sparks 

This past week was pretty good, we had several really difficult days though.
Snowed a ton, was really cold, you know the usual. Filemon, a recent convert, went to the temple! that was awesome. 

Went to the spanish bakery again and taught the 2 owners, they showed us around the back and whatnot and gave us a tour, then made us tortas and gave us doughnuts. He's really really interested in the message though so that's cool! 

I had exchanges with Elder Johnson! Love that guy he is so cool. I went into my old Carson area with him and saw tons of people I know, it was great. 

Another miracle was yesterday, someone I knew when I was here (sisters taught her when I was here)  before randomly showed up at church. We had tried to get in contact with her but all we had was her number and she showed up at church, has been married for 4 months. married to a MEMBER from Reno! that was awesome. She will probs get baptized in a few weeks or month. Name is Genesis

Have a great week! While you're enjoying the cool air, just remember I'm freezing my butt off walking in 15 degree weather and snow! :) hahaha just kidding. 

Elder Quinton

Week 58


Hi Everyone,

Things are going great yet again!

I don't have a whole lot of things to say this week. It was a good week though still! 

We had a world wide missionary devotional this past week, first world wide one in over 10 years apparently. I went on exchanges this past week with another missionary and that went really well. I went into my old area and saw lots of people that I knew that was pretty cool! :) 

Had a bunch of good lessons and taught lots of lessons. The weather is back into the 30's so thats been a nice treat instead of 10 degrees hahaha


Elder Quinton